White certificates, Cogen europe awards Italy

EffprimoThe Italian mechanism of  Energy Efficiency Credits (Titoli di Efficienza Energetica, TEEs) was recognized at the European level again: The COGEN Europe Recognition Awards was awarded to Italy and the Ministry of Economic Development by the European association of the same name.

The recipients include enterprises, institutions and entities that have undertaken the initiatives aimed to promote the cogeneration and the culture of energy efficiency.

The award such asPolicy Development Awardwas handed over to Marco Golinelli, President of Italcogen, during the dinner party at the association’s annual meeting, held on May 19-20 this year.


Marco Baresi Vicepresidente of Italcogen commented that:It is an important recognition which is a yet another proof of how the energy efficiency is a rewarding choice, as it was also reflected recently in the report of the European working group EEFIG, in which Italcogen actively participated contributing to the creation of the Italian country team.”


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