Test passed for the first Methane and liquid oxygen engine

Avio’s M10 chacterized itself for low emissions and scoria by combustion

The prototype of new M10 engine, produced by Avio company, unique example at European level using liquid hydrogen and methane, passed successfully the first test on field. The system will be used on Vega E (Vega Evolution), a midterm evolution of Vega’ launcher, that will start its work for the first time on 2024. The solution is part of Vega E (Vega Evolution) space’ rocket program fostered By ESA (European Space Agency).

The test

Test’ launch happened last November 13th at Colleferro, around Avio’s plant. The solution will allow to throw more satellites in different orbits in the same missions. The price, the company explains, will be competitive and will keep high quality standards.

The technology

The solution adopted characterizes itself for a really low level of emissions and scoria from combustion. Getting specifically into the engine’ structure, the company explained that the fulfillment was made with a Avio SMSP (Single Material Single Part) patent and entirely in additive manufacturing. We used laser technologies of three-dimensional printing.

Increasing competitiveness and flexibility

Avio is very satisfied about the test’s results of M10, the first European prototype of a Lox-methane, a very innovative technology and very environmentally friendly that almost nobody has all over the world – underlines in a note on the company site the group’ CEO Giulio RanzoThis engine will allow in the midterm to substitute the last two propulsive stages (Z9 and AVUM) with a new propulsive cryogenic stage more efficient and more adaptable. Vega’s target is, indeed, to keep on increasing cost’ competitiveness and maneuver’ versatility for small satellites’ launch in a low orbit, while the launch’ capability of bigger dimension’ satellites in midterm and geostationary orbits will be ensured by Ariane 6”.

Next year first flight of Vega C

Next year we foresee the first flight of Vega C, with a higher load capacity from the present 1.500 kilos and equal to 2.200 kilos in LEO orbit.

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