Sustainable management advantages in Ispra’s movements

Shutterstock 209365042Going to work by bicycle, buying an agreed upon subscription for public transport or using car pooling to reach the job. These are some of the ventures joined by ISPRA (Superior Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) workers, coordinated by Institute Mobility Manager Arch. Giovanna Martellaro. Following the complete interview.

What are your tasks as mobility manager at Ispra?

Mobility manager activities at General Services and Personnel management Department, are assimilated at ISPRA’ sustainable mobility policies field. ISPRA is a research public authority with various headquarters in Italy. We work strongly connected with many technical sectors, like the fleet’s one, and with research services, like Monitoring and Prevention in Atmosphere Impacts. Considering ISPRA’s role, we opened both an intranet business mobility page pointed to employees and a sustainable mobility page on official website.

How does it push more sustainable movement ways?

Communication’s activities are pointed to stimulate mobility choices alternative to using car individually, when conditions are suitable and locations are reachable. Since we started we supported reaching work place by bicycle, encouraging adhesion to different Bike to Work and to European Cycling Challenge. During these ventures we monitored cyclists and collected the fundamental requests. After this poll we proposed a parking system with recharge points for e-bike, a locker room with shower and itinerary’s on-line map for CICLISPRA group.

Did Ispra sign agreements with local authorities designated to mobility management?

In Rome, after many requests to the in charge Mobility and Transport Department and concurrently with benefits loan for public transport, it was possible to sign with ATAC a specific agreement intended to public authorities about fixed purchase for workers. To simplify companies and authorities admission to this kind of benefits.

Do you adopt car pooling or sharing solutions? Do you join some already present ventures?

ISPRA employees come from the most varied district, province and region’s areas. Technologist-researchers’ working hours is flexible, the office workers’ one foresees wide slots for starting and leaving. This is a limit for traditional car-pooling crews establishment. Moreover we have to add the prevision of supplementary insurance protections. However, there are some spontaneous car-pooling forms and we proposed a project to travel the last mile by subway. We spread free flow car-sharing, whereas it wasn’t possible to start business car-sharing, because the offices are out the supervisor’s interested areas.

Do you prefer rewarding mechanisms or gaming to promote share movement?

Projecting in progress car-pooling we forecasted the chance to enjoy dedicated parking spaces in adjacent car park in via Brancati’s office in Rome. Completing companies’ transportation service and during low frequency public transportation’s hours, we started, in 2015 during European Mobility Week, in partnership with Groupama, a ISPRA seats and books sharing test on Groupama shuttle, called Shuttle and Book Sharing.

May you evaluate savings (in price and CO2 introduction in ambient terms)?

About communication, we approved an gas carbon saving evaluation’s instrument, that can be used for other important polluting too like the NOX, to measure benefits of transfers by shuttle or bicycle.

Do you promote training and information meetings between employees?

We organized during the years several workshops intended to employees’ information on intranet page of business Mobility, on Bike To Work Day, about urban cyclist’ safety, Rome’s car-pooling, mechanical Cycle, cyclist mobility and health and cycle’s itineraries with web platforms help. Other events open to all we offered about sustainable behaviors’ communication, urban electric mobility and cycle’s accident on the way. We organized an e-learning leanings course for public mobility managers.

What are the projects for the future?

On the occasion of this year European Mobility Week, we’re organizing an ISPRA leading project to monitor air quality along home to work route on bike and we support Ecobibliobike’s venture, strolling on bike along Appia Antica Park.

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