Sustainability can be sweet

FruttaWho tried to realize homemade jam knows that you spend hours in front of flames to reach density and, especially, pasteurization typical of a preserve. Let’s imagine this for a all Country tasty cans supplying company. The electric bill must be filling. It isn’t a causality, thus, if Vis, jams’ market company in Sondrio’s territory Lovereto, with 20 workers and about 7 million sales volume, asked itself how to reduce energetic price. Let’s talk about that with CEO Giorgio Visini.

How did you decide to take your energetic consumptions control and evaluate a technological update:

have you an energy manager?

Actually we haven’t an energy manager, but we pay much attention about our processes’ efficiency. Since 10 years ago we checked our hydro-cycle, tuning a system, in which part of activity used resources recycled and in our production reused, so that reducing consumption. Afterwards, forecasting necessary thermal fuel oil power station renewal, we started a scouting operation to find the best technology for consumption, performance and fuel choice. We started three years ago, supported by Confindustria qualified advisor.

We chose a Liquigas GNL technology at the end, evaluated as most performing for management simplicity, less maintenance and environmental impact and running costs: all these are very important factors for us.

What kind of savings are we talking about?

For a 300.000 Euros total system spending, we calculated to save 30-40 thousands every year, for a 10 years amortization.

Looking at environmental impact, did you calculate the carbon footprint, at least prospective?

We started about two and an half months ago, data aren’t permanent yet. We know we reduced around 70% emissions.

Are you planning other energy efficiency actions?

We already reskilled all lighting with led. At present we wait to go steady with this new power station, then we’ll evaluate our consumptions’ other critical areas.

Did you participate any announcement or fund to carry these investments out?

Not specifically about efficiency, but we recently participated the announcement dedicated to Unioncamere Lombardia sustainable companies, in the next months we’ll know if we’ll get in.

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Giornalista, video maker, sviluppo format su più mezzi (se in contemporanea meglio). Si occupa di energia dal 2009, mantenendo sempre vivi i suoi interessi che navigano tra cinema, fotografia, marketing, viaggi e... buona cucina. Direttore di Canale Energia; e7, il settimanale di QE ed è il direttore editoriale del Gruppo Italia Energia dal 2014.