Promoting integrated and sustainable management of the forestry areas in Trentino Alto-Adige. This is the Smart Forest’ project target, trying to “reconsidering traditional management projects, several paper nature” and “making the system with information gathered by different institutions already taking care about wood’s management”, explains Trilogis’ technical Director Massimo Barozzi.
The project showed to Provincia Autonoma Trento (PAT) from Consorzio Comuni Trentini (CCT) by three local companies: Trilogis as above, Studio 3E e JLBbooks. Trying to make forests, and generally mountains, a green economy’s pillar, starting by monitoring woody masses’ change, allowed by using “pictures obtained from planes’ radars” codified “using mathematic models developed by FEM and FBK”, explains Barozzi. This is only one, but important, realized project’ dowel: information’s knowledge availability about woody amount, biomass and trees’ number in the forest allow to take under control a potential legal deforestation or a wild one. One more venture forecasted delivery ”to Arco’s (TN) district forest rangers tablets to communicate , in real time, potential land’s emergencies”.
At the end of SMART FOREST will be realized a standard and open data platform, using and making available data and geodata, facilitating a wider collaboration between public and private actors. A natural evolution in forestry assets’ management, helping not only to save it, but feeding green tourism: “In Trentino Alto Adige we are naturally talented to this double vocation and we promote, for example, mushrooms‘ pickers trails and mountain bikers’ tracks”. In Val di Rabbi, for example, “with geolocation’ systems we send data about historical, recreational and about tracks’ contents for a smart mobility”, continues Barozzo. Or even the Altopiano di Asiago, so full of history “Here the forests are so rich about historical evidences and strategic information since the Great War”.
Beyond realizing smart models to export in other countries, the project want to promote an auditing information’ system to obtain forestry’ certification, that would guarantee to pursue certain requirements about forestry’s management, so obtaining more data openness and wider control on wood’s withdrawal.
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