Tavolo Di LavoroCustomers of Gruppo d’acquisto sostenibilità, venture fostered by Codacons and Konsumer Italia, will be able to obtain a Green Energy network’s proposal for electricity and gas’ supply with a 20% reduction of energy’ cost set by AEEGSI. The notice was given by the service provider, even it Gruppo d’acquisto’s part, that want to be sure about transparency and advantage for customers. Let’s make a point about the approach’ way promoted ‘til now by the gruppo with General Director Sales & Marketing Fabio Mezzetti and Customer Care Director Antonio Zucconi.

Gruppo d’acquisto sostenibilità was described like “consumers’ first energy community”; what do you mean with this term?

Mezzetti – With energy community we intend a utilities’ community (private, public or mixed), localized in a specific landmark’s area in which final customers (people, companies, public administration etc.), market’ stakeholders (utility etc.), designers, planning agents and politicians actively work together to develop “smart” energy’ supply high levels, promoting renewable use and technological innovation’ optimization about allocated generation and licensing efficiency measures’ implementation, to obtain benefits on energetic low price, sustainability and energy security. This represents, therefore, an European Council and Italian Authority itself’ auspice becoming real thanks to a control and sharing’ careful activity, using synergies with academic researchers too. We look forward to obtain a real consumer’ defense, making approachable with a controlled price an important family budget’s voice like energy.

After a common path with Codacons and Konsumer Italia, you redefined contractual contents and company methods to be fully compliant to Codice del Consumo (Consumption’s Code). May you give us more details?

Mezzetti – Codacons and Konsumer Italia, to create Gruppo d’acquisto sostenibilità, started months ago a project with Green Network where we redefined contractual contents and company methods. Contracts have been analyzed and approved by consumers associations’ jurists and college teachers, expert about light and gas’ supplies. About company methods I’d like to underline the relevance of obtaining the “Azienda Affidabile – OK Codacons” recognition and consider that in some internal processes we use rules stiffer than the Codice del Consumo’s ones.

Another important perspective of your work concerns equal conciliation, foreseeing dispute’s resolution within 15 days.

Mezzetti – Equal Conciliation’ Service (Servizio di Conciliazione paritetica) is a tool foreseen in the framework agreement approved by Green Network, Konsumer, Codacons and any other consumers association that in the future will be interested in participating.

The conciliation’s procedure is free for the consumers. Preliminary activity as well as decision about dispute is handled by a Equal Commission consists of two conciliators, one representing the Association and the other the company. Procedure sees the only debate between the two conciliators elected by the side looking for a friendly agreement to settle the occurred quarrel.

This instrument (that integrates alternative approaches’ review of disputes’ resolution in extrajudicial way supporting other solutions already operative) in addition to produce positive effect to reduce legal controversies, guaranteeing a faster and more effective defense of both parts, will allow Green Network to answer even more to realize customers needs, also effecting suitable measures to improve the offered service.

What are critical points emerged so far in the link with users?

Zucconi – Despite the latest AEEGSI’ (Gas and Electric Energy Authority and Hydro Service) regulations about the bill content’ simplification and Green Network’s obligation to show to its customers a bill as much as possible clear and understandable, we spot that in Italy there’s still a steady need to receive explanations about the meanings of the many price’s parts fixed by the AEEGSI.

Moreover, the new 2.0 bill should be easier to read for customer and guarantee a standard adopted by all sellers: however we spot some of our rivals, in certain cases, don’t report clearly the energy’s unitary price, forecasted element by the regulation.

With the RAI feed bill invoicing, have you had more problems to solve?

Zucconi – Green Network, starting from April 2016, published on its web site a dedicated page to its own users about the invoicing procedures and introduction of the exemption about the RAI feed. The venture’s target was making the user accurately informed about the instructions introduced with the 2017 Stability Act. Therefore, passed the first two months invoicing of the RAI feed and the information flow’ trial stage with the Income Revenue Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate), during which we registered the information’s contacts largest number by the user, nowadays we don’t observe particular criticalities about similar topic.

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