New high energy efficiency Solvay power station in Rosignano

An “well working heart” and able to improve the performance of the whole plant, fostering efficiency and safety. Using this metaphor, Davide Papavero, Manager of Solvay factory in Rosignano (Livorno), described the new high energy efficiency power station (180 MW capability) launched yesterday from the group and working since the past January 1st. It’s about, in particular, a revamping project of the previous Rosen power station (Engie Group) that took innovative and high performing solutions, among which a gas turbine, realized by Ansaldo Energia, ad a new pipe for steam’ allocation.

Technologies going together with other left unchanged parts (for example the control room, second gas turbine, sea water cooling towers).

The whole operation – as underlined by Marco Colatarci, Solvay Italia Country Manager, during introducing conference for plant’ introduction – was the fruit of a “profitable partnership between public and private” and had like key target site’s competitiveness, even through not expected choices like the one about the gas allowing the group to put itself  “in a endorsed position” to be able facing “further new contests”.

Once we chose gas – explained instead Papavero – we tried to travel the best road of all: updating concept linked to the power station working on the site. Before we produced more electricity and less steam, now the plant is a power station producing only steam and only cogenerated electricity”.

The turbine

A key role in this updating process is upholstered by a turbine provided by Ansaldo Energia. “It’s about of an extremely efficient turbine, this allowed us to rebuild this power post to make what regulations defines an high performance power station. Efficiency of power station passed from 70% to 90% this means site’s competitiveness, but less environmental impact too. In fact, we reduced not only CO2 tons emitted in absolute value (about 540 tons for year) – because we produce less electricity with the same steam – but even the same CO2 amount emitted for produced unity”.

The investment

Revamping project of the power station foresaw a 40 millions Euros’ investment made by Cogeneration Rosignano SPA – new assets owner, whose partners are: Marubeni, Ansaldo Energia e Solvay. Engie, previous owner of Rosen, will provide to the cogeneration power station managing and maintenance’ service for ten years.

A synergic path with institutions

Upholstering a key role in the way that made possible realizing the project were the institutions too. Thanks to agreements with Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Environment, Tuscany Region, Livorno Province and Rosignano’ District, we approved subsidies and benefits decisive to guarantee competitiveness at Rosignano’s industrial park. A partnership that – as underlined by Tuscany Region’ President Enrico Rossi participating the afternoon discussion  with Rosignano’ Major and managers of Solvay, Engie and Ansaldo Energia – inserted itself in fertile land of a “common vision” in which integrated competitiveness and environmental sustainability.

Tuscany is both land of artistic beauties, and big companies that “has to innovate itself and absorb new technologies to be competitive in a globalized way”, highlighted the President.

“Our bet – explained Rossi – is making industry compatible with the ambient renewing on technological level and creating a favorable context to investment. In this way institutions, maintaining their controlling and directing’ role, have to be side by side with investing companies”.

Technological innovation key’ role

Technological innovation and profitable integration’s theme of the two development fronts of the territory, touristic on one side and industrial on the other, were the backbones of the debate during the second part of the day, whose participated – in addition to Solvay’s managers, President Rossi and Rosignano’ major Alessandro Franchi – even Laurence Borie Bancel, head of Engie gas South Europe and Claudio Nucci of Ansaldo Energia. Emerged strongly, in fact, as in a evolving energy sector, that made of environmental sustainability a key element, the dare is new technologies’ adoption. A game that may be played on industrial, on territory level and on possible virtuous synergies gathering by these partnerships.

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