Lombardia, hydrobond brings 10 millions to invest in the hydro-cycle

Acqua Di Mare%2010 millions of Euros guarantee’ fund into infrastructural investments for waters purification inside Lombardia Region, thanks to Lombardia Region’s Ambient Office, together with the Economy, Development and Simplification’s one and Finlombarda. This is the announcement of Claudia Terzi, leading Economy, Development and Simplification’s regional office.

For 2016/19 quadrennium are planned about one and a half euro billions’ investments. Service’ reorganization guarantees its management’s efficient capability about tariff revenue, making them able to guarantee investments’ cover almost at all.





This work’s feasibility depends on organizing adequate liquidity’ level, since investments shall be accomplished in a short time, while their amortization (covered from tariff) extends over a long period. On this gap participates the project, handled by Finlombardia, of Hydrobond instrument’ launch, aspiring to start European resources (BEI) and institutional investors to give appropriate financial means to support investments plans’ development.


10 financing millions will be able to start this mechanism, making it all managers’ approachable, whether or not the sizes, an amount of starting 200 millions.


He area’s task is going beyond purification cycle’s infrastructural loss, significantly operating on local economic systems, feeding several sectors as works, materials, technologies and ITC’ ‘suppliers’. (Lnews)


This budget is the last proof about Region’s attention for safeguard and improvement of waters’ quality” explains assessor Terzi.


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