Reversing sea’ conditions in Venice’ north lagoon, close to river Sile, fostering so re colonization of about 20 hectares of rushes and repopulation by many fish and birds’ species. This is the main target of Life Lagoon ReFresh project, organized by ISPRA and realized thanks to the financial contribution by European Union, in the setting of LIFE Natura Program. The initiative began in September 2017 and it’s getting into the operative period that will start in spring 2019.
As soon as we’ll complete the authorized period, in Spring we’ll pass to the administrative one to realize the hydro work to put fresh water from river Sile (In “Trezze” Area, in north lagoon) and planting biodegradable structures able to contain fresh water’ dispersion and create a morphological variability adapted for the development of the rushes. Beyond this we’ll accelerate colonization, even with planting small clumps of rushes, and we’ll pass to replant submerged lagoon water plants. Finally, we’ll identify the most fitting shapes to protect the avifaunal and fish species targets of the project inside a 70 hectares’ area close to the one of the interventions, after a debate with stakeholders.
First year’ report
During the first year of activity we accomplished the planning of hydraulic and morphological works and we fulfilled topobatimetric and geotechnical surveys and monitoring of water, sediment and biota’s matrixes (flora and water fauna).
Repopulation of the area with fishes and birds
LIFE Lagoon ReFresh project has between its targets, as we already said, to restore the conservation status of some ornithic species (Phalacrocorax minor, Bittern, red Heron, little Bittern, Hawk of swamp, Harriers, Kingfisher) using the space in rushes during the winter time, but even during the procreative one for foraging, night rest or nesting. Moreover we foresee the growth of other ornithic species with particular conservation interest (Savi’s warbler, great reed Warbler, Bearded, Reed Bunting) and other fish species of commercial concern (Sea Bass, Eel, Mullets, Silverside and the Plaice).
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