Jubilee of Light: it starts with 66 minor cult places

Giubileo Della LuceAssisi, head of the line, it’s on the rank’s top with 96 points. Frassinoro follows tearing 91 off to the commission and Sessa Aurunca 81. It’s the podium of the public ranking drafted by the Associazione nazionale dei comuni italiani (ANCI), about 171 achieved candidacies, whom indentified 66 perfect candidates for the Jubilee of light.

The project it’s the result of partnership between ANCI and Ministry of Environment and, simultaneous at Jubilee of Mercy wanted by Pope Francesco, addressed to municipalities until 30.000 inhabitants that, intervening with luminous efficiency and artistic enhancement actions, want to give new light to “minor” cult places.

Present phase is very delicate: we’ll pass from the public ranking writing to the official selection of first intervention’s places. Next step is co-designing between ANCI and the selected Municipality and, within 60 days (we hope to incur them in 30), drafting the implementation convention for single venture. For the moment we begins with the first inspections in the rankings’ top municipalities and we’re waiting for obligation’s decree to start the project’ activity phase.


To realize the interventions, the Ministry of Environment made available resources for 1,6 mlns Euros: for interventions over 100.000 Euros we’ll request (but it won’t be compulsory) a 30% co-loan from the district. Therefore it’s not expected to make municipalities pay, even though some administrations evaluate the chance of drawing regional assets. We hope to receive help from other ministers too (first of all the Cultural Heritage one).


Intervening on such delicate artistic assets, interventions will be quickly realized. There’s no obligation to finish by the Jubilee of Mercy’s ending, but the Association wants to accelerate the project’s deadline. First of all we foresee an introduction event about energy efficiency and light enhancement in Assisi, then will follow other information’s events about the project.

Beyond this venture we place a new LED lighting system to promote San Pietro place’ artistic assets in Rome, made by OSRAM.

Inauguration will be next October 20th .

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