Iot, italians want to smart

Shutterstock 210614056In the framework of the Internet of Things, the level of use of devices and applications to track, download and analyze data by  Italian consumers is the highest in Europe (41%), versus the average in the EU of 23%. Moreover, 74.8% of Italians would like to have everyday objects that are able to trace data (such as smart houses), versus the European and the global average of 54% and 60%, respectively.

These are some aspects that emerge from a survey entitled Digital Trends 2015 by Microsoft, dedicated to the most important changes in the relation between the consumers and technology. More than 13,000 consumers from 13 countries took part in the survey. 
Generally, people in the world show an increasing interest in the data tracking apps and devices: three quarters of the surveyed (74%) use wearable technologies -13% more than in 2013 – and over half of them (60%) is interested in the Internet of Things.
In addition, there is a global tendency to manage own on-line identity in a manner that is more and more focused on
the areas of interest, control as a consequence on-line interactions with the brands that reflect best the user’s passions. 

In particular, 78% of the sample interviewed is aware the importance of the fact that brands should regard them as on-line consumerand of the data that derive from their digital presence. 
What is more, 61% is in favor of sharing confidential information, provided that a transparent exchange with the brands, from which we can personally benefit, is ensured. 
Finally, the increasing information volume to which the users are exposed every day, forces them to look for the experiences and servicesthat would support them in simplification of the on-line data management (80%).

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