Intelligent recognition system in the smart grid

Autopopup2To resolve charging issues related to all the electric vehicles and to recognition of the user who wishes to charge the car. This is the objective of In-Presa, a system equipped with electronic cards and software, to identify the access to infrastructure. This is the idea of Generale Sistemi, a small enterprise specializing in automated recognition systems; we talk about it with Adolfo Deltodesco, the company owner.


What was the idea underlying your project?

The idea appeared when thinking about the energy as fuel for the cars of the future and the need to manage this power in a reliable manner, from identification of the user who wishes to charge their vehicle to the modes of payment and control towards a Smart Grid. Our system is based on the concept of an Intelligent Socket and it emerge after a first critical analysis of about 130 columns (of a total of about 500 free sockets) installed in Florence in 2007, which did not cover the control and user authentication.

Where has your recognition system been adopted?

Currently, In-Presa is one of the most widespread charging platforms for electric vehicles. We have immediately embraced the potential charging market by committing ourselves to development of the system, the socket control electronics and the station management system offering this technology to the integrators who were about to begin the production of electric vehicles structures. We have established a strong alliance with Scame Spa, which already produced first connectors of 3a type for electric vehicles, ABB, Repower and many other companies; by now, we have produced 3,000 controllers installed in the same number of products (columns or wallboxes) distributed all over the world.

Is the shortage of infrastructure a single cause for an inadequate development of the sector?

At present, the aspect of electric mobility is very complex: there is no point talking about columns or charging stations if they are not part of a complete project of Electric Mobility that should be centered around the needs of individual transportation, which is strictly connected with the indispensable networks of public transportation. Thus the e-vehicle strongly depends on an accurate distribution of charging devices, which should be rather adequately protected within a structure. 

Do you expect more institutional support in the future?

Obviously, the government is on the brink and unfortunately, it has curtailed the incentives. In my opinion, a simple and considerable support, efficient as well as easily sustainable, would be a discount of the VAT, already adopted by numerous “advanced” countries. As for the popularity of electric mobility we are at the bottom of the European league, and the lack of culture and planning framework do not bode well for the future. 

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