The problem of leakages within water supply networks strongly concerns the service operators in Italy, as it ensues considerable economic impacts in terms of expenditure for energy and technical aspects. The research and repairs of such leakages is thus crucial, as it will ensure better management balance.
This is the objective perused by Metropolitana Milanese spa, a company that manages integrated water services in Milano from June 2003. From November 3 to 5 it will test a new technology of leakage search within the water supply pipeline. The search will be made by means of self-propelled instruments inserted into the piping which does not require service interruption and considerably minimizes any impact on the consumers.
As Davide Corritore, President of MM spa describes: “Our results in the city’s water network reduction are already great, as Milan is one of the cities with the lowest water dispersion in Italy. We want to do even better by adopting new technologies and new operational methods in order to reach a dual objective: to recover efficiency through the management cost containment and to increase further the level of service offered to our clients.”
The testing will be carried out on a conduit of about 10 km which starts at the station in Assiano, in the city center (quarter of Olmi and via Cusago). The instruments will include a device that moves freely with the flow inside the pressurized conduits in order to detect and locate small dispersions through separation of acoustic activity related with the leakages.
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