The recent novelty in the field of waste materials recovery arrives from the Materials Development Center [Centro Sviluppo Materiali, CSM]. Today the center, along with Conai and Corepla, has presented the results of an innovative experiment on the process of gasification from plasmix. It is about extremely heterogeneous residual materials from the process of plastic packaging selection, which devoid of all the fractions that could be recovered by means of mechanical recycling, keep an energy potential that is comparable with the one developed by some fossil fuels, such as for instance coke.
Experimental tests conducted at the CSM in Castel Romano (Rome) on a pilot gasification plant of 100 kg/hour, have allowed development of a specific innovative technology (object of a patent) for plasmix in order to obtain synthesis gas (syngas) adequate for energy production. The developed solution is based on a rotating drum, a technology which is already widely used for special waste treatment and for the innovative elements intended for optimized input of oxidizing agents (air and oxygen) along the reactor. The syngas produced has proved to be appropriate for the use in the combine production of electricity and thermal energy in the dedicated, modular small- and middle-sized plants that are highly efficient and have a low impact on the environment.
According to the research results, the profitability level is interesting also considering the energy recovery alone, without possible state incentives. For this reason the basis of the project has been an industrial plant able to treat 4 ton of plasmix per hour.
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