In Seveso the smart city begins from separate waste collection

10 11 Convegno Smart CitiesLED streetlights, last generation waste bags with a chip which awards the inhabitants who collect waste separately, methane-powered cars and electricity at the station to get about the city.

The Commune of Seveso focuses on these three fields to become “smarter” from the point of view of energy. “ The so called “chip” bag – explained Mayor of Seveso Paolo Butti –allows linking it with the taxpayer; in this manner 80% of waste is collected separately. In the short term, this will also have a positive economic impact on the tariffs paid by the inhabitants.” Indeed, after elaboration of data from the bag with unsorted waste, there will be applied a precise tariff which will award those who have managed to collect waste separately.


In turn as for streamlining of street lightning, explained Butti, “about 3000 light fixtures will be replaced with LED technology.” This initiative is coupled with the creation of Wi-Fi areas in the libraries and different city zones as well as with the introduction of low energy impact vehicles in the vicinity of the train station. 

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