If Internet of things starts sailing

Barca 11June is sea time, and why not, sailing between the waves. The geek can be quiet, Internet of things will follow them even in the deep sea.

The interlinked boat by now is a over the experimentation’s truth and the challenges we followed in the past years.

What are the interlinked boat benefits?

Between the interlinked boat benefits surely there’s the consumption’ energy efficiency that allows to save energy and to keep longer its own energetic independence, useful for the ones that don’t want to sleep many nights in the harbor, where you can use sockets, and prefer the small bays, it’s only a benefit.


But certainty too, when a interlinked system with Internet of Things (IoT) has a double detection system with a geolocation system, moreover it can view with webcam the boat wherever is, thus to check potential intrusions while is docked.

This will complete the engine and sailing monitoring activities. Comforts aren’t missing, with the insertion’s chance of lighting automatic systems integration and starting and turning off different interconnected devices. Therefore a real floating domotic home.

Integrated Domotic

A so organized system may achieve different performances with low consumption – about 1.4 A at 12V for continuous and independent fuelling of all network systems: videos, monitoring and broadband internet connection. So the boat is energetic attitude free, and can manage its needs with the energy produced by the solar panels.

The interface system is totally integrated with the average in use devices (advanced smart phones, tablets, computers and smart TV) and customizations pliable.

Retrofit. Converting a sail in digital

De facto integrating Internet of Things in the means of navigation is not invasive and you can place it nearly on every watercraft. To do this is possible starting even from Arduino’s systems. Is working on it Sfera Labs, born in 2014 as Home System Consulting S.p.A. unit with the hardware and software open source projecting target to connect the best of universe’ makers with the professional automation world. Sfera Labs s.r.l. established as independent company in February 2016.

Let’s talk about it with Sfera Labs sales & marketing manager Eng. Maria Chizzali

Which advantages using Arduino?

Low consumption, programming flexibility, reliability.

The system consists of a Raspberry server and Arduino control devices. It’s a professional app(lication) using original platforms, with low price and low consumption. They are, also, open platforms, in other words usable by anyone to make integrated solutions, just like the one for our sail boat, gathering many different web based systems in only one control interface.

Is this app(lication) already on sale?

The app(lication) is only our oversight platform customization, HSYCO, sustaining over 80 standard and owner procedures and allows, like in this chance, to choose the best practices about any project.

All the function models used for the sail boat are available for the dry docks showing interest in using them.

Is it possible to have information about retrofit’s times and prices?

There’s not a general rule about retrofit. Price and complexity rely on every system’s features and maintenance conditions. Interested shipyards and ship owners may contact us to organize an evaluative inspection.

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Giornalista, video maker, sviluppo format su più mezzi (se in contemporanea meglio). Si occupa di energia dal 2009, mantenendo sempre vivi i suoi interessi che navigano tra cinema, fotografia, marketing, viaggi e... buona cucina. Direttore di Canale Energia; e7, il settimanale di QE ed è il direttore editoriale del Gruppo Italia Energia dal 2014.