It’s a growing sector the one characterizing green economy’s evolution in our country, a sector that, following the Milano’s Camera di commercio given data, interests about 53.000 companies and 436.000 workers, revealing, in the last 5 years a 33% growth. Drawing the sector’s framework the broadcasted data from Milano’s Camera di Commercio, organizing for May 30th a meeting in its headquarters in via Meravigli entitled “Projecting sustainability”. Numbers concern first 2017 quarter, compared with the same period in 2016 and 2012.
Big cities assume central role in branch’ development. At first place we find Milano with 4.000 companies, followed by Roma with 3.000 companies and Torino with 2.000 companies. Analyzing, instead, like standard, the bigger growth in five years, best outcomes come from Bolzano doubling the green companies number, now they are 1.848. If we consider a regional level point of view we see Lombardia revealing almost 50 billion’ sales volume on 200 made in Italy, with 35 gathered in Milano.
“With our meetings seeking for sustainability with ventures dedicated to Green Public Procurement, we aim for pushing, as public administration, green economy, an important branch, in which companies are strongly growing up and we expect an economy raising by this – states on a note, Massimo Ferlini, Milano’s Camera di commercio council’s member – Indeed is always more and more connected to different sectors, integrated in dimension’s growth of smart living in our district“.
Lombardia, most growing sectors
In one year green companies increased of 3%, with 10.000 entities getting involved. In five years the sector, at regional level, grew up +28%. If we analyze in detail any single section, in the first positions we find: garbage collection with 129 companies, +10% (+77% in five years); engineering design with 485 companies, +10% (+131% in five years) and technical expertise with 1.911 companies, +9% last year (78% in five years). Scoring good performance even plants’ reproduction with 399 companies, +7,5% (+94% in five years); quality check with 390 companies, +7% last year (+32% in five years); research in natural science with 454 companies, +5% last year (+92% in five years).
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