From detergent to paper, the Henkel’s project

Henkel Italia Lomazzo Carta%20siliconata Linea DixanProduction’s implants wastes may be an important segment for row material’ recycling. It starts by this evaluation Henkel’s diligence in Italy to launch also silicon paper’s recycling, otherwise left the cellulose usual recycling’ out.

This innovative collection’ system got two implants involved: Lomazzo e Ferentino, working in the same places where they produce the others detergents like Dixan, Perlana and Nelsen.

In only three months, with all the operators getting involved, silicon paper’s recycling allowed to overthrow total amount of produced waste, in both implants, respectively almost 20% and 10%, giving a strong contribution to Sustainability’s targets achievement defined for the 2020 by the two productive units, as global Strategy part.

Project started May 2014 and it took almost two studying years in close cooperation with Innovhub-SSI paper business area, Milano’s Camera di Commercio special company, that conducts applied research’s activity and technical scientific research. Following the trials appeared in the waste excellent cellulose’ quality, making the material 85% recyclable.

The process is verified and EN 643 waste paper classification regulation’s compliant. The collection’ system forecasts specific garbage cans to keep the product dry and suitable to be carried to paper factory addressed for starting the recycling activity.

A patent in experimental phase is only in Italy adopted, as Henkel tells us ”It’s too soon to evaluate other paper factories’ participation or the project’ extension to other Henkel plants. Lomazzo and Ferentino’s knowledge outcomes will be carefully analyzed for the case’ assessments”.

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Giornalista, video maker, sviluppo format su più mezzi (se in contemporanea meglio). Si occupa di energia dal 2009, mantenendo sempre vivi i suoi interessi che navigano tra cinema, fotografia, marketing, viaggi e... buona cucina. Direttore di Canale Energia; e7, il settimanale di QE ed è il direttore editoriale del Gruppo Italia Energia dal 2014.