Competition and Market Authority (CMA) showed in Rome, first time outside the United Kingdome, “The Energy Market Investigation: final report”, a study about the liberalized energy market in Great Britain, 15 years after its beginning.
The outcome shows a citizen’s suspicious feeling toward new operators, with the result of a lacking transition to more convenient contracts and 300 pounds loss every year with heavier rate for British citizens.
The consumer’s low mobility reason lies in clear, easy and fast contracts need. This key join both Italian and British consumers, as even Secretary of State to the Prime Minister Claudio de Vincenti highlights; so it is main the offering simplification. Secretary of State recalls the hard balance between market and clarity: “We needs to standardize offers so that we make them clearer on one side, but when we do it, we reduce market dynamism on the other”. Therefore, fares simplification and market competitiveness don’t walk easily together.
Guido Bordoni, AEEGSI president, proposes a solution predicting for every retail market player a “standard” rate obligatoriness,having at least one offer 100% comparable as only target, working like a guiding light for the less expert consumers.
Acquirente Unico President and CEO Andrea Peruzy defines it as: ”Market demand active participation for outcome virtuous for the in progress liberalization process”. Facilitating everything with a consumptions integrated informative system that nowadays we have in Italy thanks truly to the authority whose President’s efforts and foresight.
From the British experience emerges even the market arrangement analysis’ relevance, de facto only ex ante realized, giving established some choices both of control and behavior. In fact knowledge theme is main to manage transition as best we can, as AGCOM president Giovanni Pitruzzella highlights, proposing: “Making a behavioral economic analysis about how to go beyond consumers laziness”, and promoting market on these bases, oiling jamming machineries. Smart counters have been challenged like simplification core part, but, obviously, if we don’t accompany a technology with a suitable system method, the latter can really do little.
Roger Witcomb, panel chair di CMA Competition and market authority: What are the major surprises emerged from the survey conducted in the UK ?
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