Common transportation, structural redevelopment inside the protected natural area and park modernization through technologies using renewable. Pavoneggio Pale of San Martino Park Authority moves toward energy independence and consumptions’ efficiency.
Let’s talk about it with General Manager Vittorio Ducoli. How do you promote alternative mobility inside the park?
Parks and protected areas have as institutional target natural resources’ fair management, including energy saving. We really did lots of things: for years we promote common transportation and every summer we start bus service, allowing to reach the most appealing park sites without using cars. This service rewarded by pay and display parking placed out of the Park. Looking always at sustainable mobility, since two years we set up three stations to rent electric pedal assisted cycle.
Energy production from renewable and Authority Park structures restoration: what are your choices about that?
First work about the renewable was handled by the manager before me. During the 90s, inside the wider project “ethnographic trail ”, where you may recall places connected with the area’s traditional management, we installed a mini hydroelectric 20 MW power station inside a lodge that works like a museum and refreshment.
The spring gives little water amounts following the essential flows, turbine’s structure is underground and the control unit is ambient compatible and assimilated. Within Vanoi hydrographic system we recovered a water Venetian sawmill, built in the XVI century, with all the wood and leather machineries, that works with the classic wood mill wheel.
The sawmill set up again using creek’s water and we use it for tutorial purposes – in summer we organize guided tours to watch mode of operation insecurity -, and to saw wood intended to tables, enclosures or signage poles. Three years ago we installed two geothermic heat pumps in Villa Welsperg, XIX century feudal estate that used an oil boiler, thanks to the about 600.000 Euros assets District dispensed. Inside the estate we promoted other actions: we made thermal insulation coating, cutting thermal bridges for better roof isolating and installed a small photovoltaic system. The latter, used to foster the heat pumps, two years ago we connected it at the old barn, nowadays used for temporary exhibitions and conventions, that assembles a geothermic system.
All Villa Welsperg complex is entirely energy efficient independent: saving 20.000 diesel liters every year, even though we spend a little more in electricity. How to recover biomasses produced in the Park?
The Park was a promoter of local Electricity Generating Company launch, the ACSM, that produces hydroelectric and from biomasses energy and gathers Primiero’s organizations and operators. We don’t recover biomasses straight as Park Authority, but the ACSM owns two biomasses systems (powered for 50% by local production and the other 50% by resources collected in a radius of 40 km) which are connected to the 80% of the 9000 inhabitants of San Martino di Castrozza, well known tourist village at the Park’s edge.
Waste management: how to promote informed waste collection between the visitors?
Until two years ago there were ecologic islands inside the Park, but nowadays tourists are more aware and we invite them to bring their wastes in the islands located nearby the close villages. It’s a way to make the tourist getting more involved in the project, also using campaigns and folders fostered by ACSM. ISO 9001 certification, the enrollment to EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) helped us to improve garbage management. We are not certified any more, but we work endlessly to optimize our performances.
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