ENEA-ANIE Energia: portal on electric transformer efficiency created, an opportunity to grow together

TrasformatoriThe platform, presented on June 30 this year, created by ANIE Energia in cooperation with ENEA has been created in response to Regulation EU 548/2014 in order to promote eco-compatible design of electric transformers. Secretary of ANIE Energia Marco Vecchio talks about the origins of an activity proposed through the competent institutions and aimed to control the emerging market.

How did you establish that partnership with ENEA and what does it mean to ANIE Energia?

The partnership with ENEA was set up about a year ago along with launching of some cooperation activities with the Group of Electric Motor Constructors in the Energy Association with the aim of creating a portal related to electric motors compliant with Regulation of the Commission (CE) 640/2009 on energy efficiency.

On the basis of such positive cooperation, ANIE Energia decided to entrust ENEA with the creation of the portal on efficiency of electric transformers for which the eco-compatible design requirements for low, medium and high voltage products are set forth in Regulation EU 548/2014 that the European Commission published on May 14, 2014.


The cooperation between ENEA and ANIE Energia takes up a very important role in view of launching of a real market control activity that will be managed by competent institutions. In the European scenario, Italy is pioneering: it is actually the first country to play an active role in the development of a market control system.

The efficiency is an indispensable opportunity for businesses. How have your partners embraced that new synergy? Have you already shared the technological assets to be focused on?

The energy efficiency along with environmental and sustainability policies are an important challenge for the next decades. Our partners have positively embraced the cooperation with ENEA which is the most important National Agency in the field of research and innovation for the sectors of energy efficiency and renewable sources, as well as the operating arm of the Ministry of Economic Development for all what regards the ERP directive (Energy Related Products).

ANIE-Energia encompasses the main companies delivering products and systems for the energy efficiency (electric motors, electric transformers, power factor correction systems, network management systems, accumulation systems, etc.) and the chief goal of ANIE Energia is to manage to associate also the Engineering Companies and Solution Providers, as well as the ESCOs in order to represent all different actors of the production chain.

Is the sector more active in the Italian or foreign market? What market offers major opportunities of development for exportations? Do you think that this agreement will increase the growth opportunities?

The Italian energy efficiency market in 2014 was estimated to be worth around 5,200 M euros of which 60% accounted for the housing market. Italy, along with Spain, the UK, France and Germany is one of the most energy intensive countries and it is one of the most active energy efficiency markets.

As for the investments necessary to reach the 2020 targets, the UK, France and Germany are ranked first. Italy has already achieved a certain technological maturity, but in turn, we need to work in order for the regulatory and financial legal framework to become more mature.  

The portal on electric transformers is a certified site where businesses may present their own products. It is an opportunity of visibility for the companies and a possibility for ANIE Energia to extend its association’s structure.


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