LPG Week 2024

The LPG industry will meet in Cape Town, South Africa, under the theme ‘Energy For All’. One of the greatest challenges facing us today is ensuring that our energy is clean, affordable, reliable, and sustainable. To meet these challenges, it is essential that we use all available resources.

· LPG Week 2024 will take place at CTICC – Cape Town International Convention Center, Cape Town, South Africa, 18th – 22nd November 2024.

· The event will bring together 80+ speakers, 2000+ attendees from over 100 countries including CEOs from major LPG companies, government representatives and intergovernmental organisations, representatives from industry associations, research institutions and advocacy groups, media professionals, communication and marketing specialists and students with 100+ exhibiting companies to explore the exceptional potential of LPG and renewable liquid gases in our pursuit of a lower carbon, fair and just energy system that leaves no-one, anywhere behind.

Furthermore, the event will provide unprecedented value for attendees, exhibitors and visitors.

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