The French-American Entrepreneurship Award (FAEA) Announced Today the Launch of Its 2022 Edition; Now Accepting Entries – Deadline April 28th

The 13th Edition of the French-American Entrepreneurship Award (FAEA) Will Recognize High Potential Startups Led by French Entrepreneurs in the United States


NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The FAEA (an initiative of Club 600 in partnership with Les Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France) is committed to fostering the development and awareness of high potential startups led by French entrepreneurs in the United States.

Previous winners include: Infinite Cooling, Connecting Food, Dr. Elsa Jungman, Algoexpert, Extend, Adopt a contractor, Invivox, Biomodex, Afineur, Streamroot.

Whether they are France-based startups developing their business presence in the U.S. market or U.S. startups led by French entrepreneurs, the FAEA will empower the winning startups with:

- a unique exposure providing awareness and networking opportunities
- cash prizes (1st Prize Winner: $10,000 - 2nd Prize Winner: $5,000)
- in-kind benefits

The jury will assess eligible startup participants based on the viability, profitability and scalability of their business model. All business sectors are eligible. The jury will also take in consideration if/how startup contestants deliver a human-centered and sustainable business approach.


Startups need to assess their eligibility, comply with the FAEA rules and submit their application by April 28th, 2022 at:

The winning startups will be announced during the Award Ceremony which will be held in New York City on June 7th, 2022.


The FAEA is made possible thanks to the support of the following sponsors and partners.

- Platinum sponsor: Bank of the West Wealth Management, a subsidiary of BNP Paribas
- Gold sponsor: JCDecaux North America
- Silver sponsors: Jade Fiducial, French Founders
- Bronze sponsors: Saint James, LR Paris, Loop Seven, Baron Francois


- Les Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France - North-East USA Committee
- French Morning

About FAEA


Sandrine Carpentier (Co-Chair, FAEA)
Eric Draghi (Co-Chair, FAEA)

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