LuccaCOMIX, gaming for a sustainable city

LuccaIt is the smallest inhabitants of the Tuscan commune that speak up for the environmental sustainability. At least this is the result of the project that the Council of the Environment completed in cooperation with Lucca Comix and the communication company seated in Rome Com.Ing.

The process of informing of children has begun in compliance with the historic tradition of the city, starting from the comics and gaming. “The idea stems from a proposal of a card game called “Scarty” to all the children from the commune that is about 1,500.” The Commune’s Councilor of the Environment, Francesco Raspini, explains this to us.

“At the gaming, consisting of an action related to different types of waste, we have coordinated the cooperation with Lucca Comix. We have actually launched a real inter-school prize contest which will have its topic in the course of the Lucca Comix. We have refined the structure of the team gaming by introducing extra points that are given for adopting the approaches that are in line with the correct waste management in real life. Actually, the kids will be able to send photos to the website, also by means a WhatsApp number in order to earn more points.”

The set of cards, on the basis of the Commune’s best assumptions, will involve, besides the children, also the adults from these households, who according to the Commune’s data amount to around 7,000 members, about 10% of the populations.

“Apart from the education initiative, we have been dealing with the separate door-to-door waste collection which we would like to extend to all the areas by the end of the year. Currently, we are covering 80-85%,” continues the Councilor. “As for the historic city center, we have been creating underground eco-islands. Soon, they will be associated with a magnetic card for the users and a video camera to provide security and monitoring. Yet, I must say” concludes Raspini “that for the time being, in the city center we have observed a more efficient response to this type of collection than to the door-to-door collection, also if we consider the logistic difficulties related to the same type of management in the central areas, whereas the response to the door-to-door collection outside the center is great.”


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Giornalista, video maker, sviluppo format su più mezzi (se in contemporanea meglio). Si occupa di energia dal 2009, mantenendo sempre vivi i suoi interessi che navigano tra cinema, fotografia, marketing, viaggi e... buona cucina. Direttore di Canale Energia; e7, il settimanale di QE ed è il direttore editoriale del Gruppo Italia Energia dal 2014.