Considering the words of Albert Einstein: “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left,” we wish that the experience of urban hives would lead to a new and more sustainable concept of sustainability among all the city “inhabitants” of the modern metropolises; we can do nothing other than explore, among the EXPO paths, the proposals of this project.
We talk about it with Claudia Zanfi, at the Art Direction of the international project called GREEN ISLAND which this year will be held on the occasion of Milano Design Week (April 2015) and in the period of EXPO 2015 (May-June 2015).
The project, in cooperation with CONAPI (Consorzio Nazionale Apicoltori, National Beekeeper’s Association), proposes exhibitions, conferences, meetings, music and installations dedicated to the subject of urban sustainability, the protection of bees and honey as the nutritious and natural foodstuff.
The urban sustainability is not only considered by human terms, but also by the terms of other city inhabitants that may help the planet. How does your association combine both concepts?
At present, designing in a sustainable manner, also in creative and artistic areas, without waste and with the maximum attention to the genius loci,
represents the need to re-semanticize and give new meanings to the cultural and social landscape.”
GREENISLAND started 13 years ago between the community and the area of Isola Milano, at the rear of Garibaldi Train Station, to spread later among the citizens and at the international level.The project was selected as one of the most interesting at the presentations at the EXPO 2015 Panel and it reached the first place in the voting at the contest Periodic Panel. Moreover, it was also selected as a cultural event that will be part of the EXPO IN THE CITY paths and the former editions. In your opinion, what are the elements that led to success? How this combination could improve city dwellings?
It is been a long time since art and design are not privileged places. They have rather transformed in an observatory that expands in the city and the society, in order to embrace a place, a time, a network of cultural relations by means of images and forms related to the urgent needs of the contemporary life. The urban biodiversity is one of the main urgent needs.
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