Italy, Portugal, Poland and Spain are four partner countries, led by Italian training company AISFOR, are part of ENACT, a European initiative, financed in the framework of ERASMUS+ programme, which aims to contribute to define and implement a common framework for the professional qualification and the competences of energy bill auditors.
ENACT – explains a brief – encompasses cooperation of training companies, energy agencies and the bodies for professional qualifications from 4 European countries: Italy, Portugal, Poland and Spain. The partners, coordinated by Italian training company AISFOR are as follows: RENAEL (Italian Network of Energy Agencies), ADENE (Portuguese national energy agency), KAPE (Polish national energy agency), IACP (Spanish regional body for professional qualification and training) and INCOMA (Spanish training agency).
In order to achieve the main result of ENACT, the common European qualification system for energy auditors as well as integration and development of open educational resources and definition of training resources ,continues the brief, the activities to be developed in the project period of 24 months, that started on September 1 last year, include:
– Analyses of training programmes and qualification frameworks in the participating countries –
– Comparative analysis of different national frameworks to share the common problems and best practices in order to defined the “Energy and Mayors: competences and professional profiles;”
– Definition of learning results and the training programme for energy auditors and the relevant ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) and the study resources and relevant materials;
– European and national validation of the profession of energy auditor who has been trained and qualified in the above-mentioned training and qualification process;
– Design and implementation of an enhanced technological system ENACT, modules and instruments for implementation of the above-mentioned training and qualification process and its comprehensive validation.
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