Interest for eco friendly travelling grows. To these days Italian adult population’s 19% is well informed about what is responsible tourism and about 2 million users (4%) plan travels and holidays toward ambient attentive surrounding destinations. Moreover, about 3,5 million of adult Italians (7%) declare themselves ready to spend more for a sustainable holiday.
Osservatorio LifeGate, promoting a dedicated investigation during sustainable tourism year fostered by ONU, noticed it. LifeGate Observatory noticed that responsible sample splits like this: 37% it’s aged between 25 and 34 years, 50% accomplished a degree, 48% are managers, businessmen and freelancers and interviewed users are fairly allocated in the great Italian cities, with the 22% in the North West.
For the choice’ purposes, Italians’ 33% judges considerable the chance of getting close to the natural surrounding and the landscape’ features. 30% asks about the opportunity of using alternative fuel feed’ transports and 28% chooses to lodge in respecting background in where they are built in and managed’ accommodations. Similar percentage concern the attention to chance of tasting organic farming and 0 km’ food.
Italians’ 17% arranges tourism between the most virtuous sectors from the sustainability’s point of view, as the report underlines. Amazingly, this high regard concerns especially housewives (29%), preceding managers, businessmen and freelancers, stopped at 26%.
From now the responsible tourist will find, on LifeGate’ site, the LifeGate Experience with the sustainable tourism’ manifesto, a green vademecum and an itineraries’ proposal for the ones travelling in eco friendly way. Moreover, LifeGate offers the Sustainable Tourism brand to enhance sustainable actions. “Today already 2 millions of Italians de facto choose their holidays on the basis of sustainable standards and their will grow – affirmed in a press release Enea Roveda Lifegate’ CEO – The venture’s target is promoting the all areas that chose sustainability as develop’ factor, contributing to promote an essential sector for our country’ sustainable growth”.
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